document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const dateInput = document.getElementById('date'); const dateError = document.getElementById('dateError'); const calendarIcon = document.getElementById('calendar-icon'); // Set the minimum date to the current date const today = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; if (dateInput) { dateInput.setAttribute('min', today); // Open the calendar when clicking on the icon calendarIcon.addEventListener('click', function () { dateInput.focus(); // Focus on the input first setTimeout(() => dateInput.showPicker(), 0); // Delay to ensure it's within a user gesture }); // Checking the selected date dateInput.addEventListener('input', function () { const selectedDate = new Date(dateInput.value); const todayDate = new Date(today); if (selectedDate < todayDate) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } }); } const formSteps = document.querySelectorAll('.form-step'); const progressBarNum = document.getElementById('num'); const progressBar = document.getElementById('progress-bar-wrapper'); const progressBarFill = document.getElementById('progress-bar-fill'); const locationErrorStadt = document.getElementById('locationErrorStadt'); const locationStadt = document.getElementById('location'); const totalSteps = formSteps.length; let currentStep = 0; // Set the initial language based on URL parameter or localStorage const vacancyUrl = window.location.href; let selectedLanguage = localStorage.getItem('selectedLanguage'); if (!selectedLanguage) { selectedLanguage = vacancyUrl.includes('/en/') ? 'en' : 'de'; localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', selectedLanguage); } const languageContainer = document.getElementById('language'); if (languageContainer) { const languageBoxes = languageContainer.querySelectorAll('.language-box'); if(languageBoxes) { languageBoxes.forEach((box) => { if (box.dataset.language === selectedLanguage) { box.classList.add('active-language'); } else { box.classList.remove('active-language'); } box.addEventListener('click', () => { languageBoxes.forEach((b) => b.classList.remove('active-language')); box.classList.add('active-language'); localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', box.dataset.language); }); }); } } const savedTitle = localStorage.getItem('title'); const titleElement = document.getElementById('title-work-local'); if (titleElement) { titleElement.textContent = savedTitle || 'Title not found'; } else { console.warn("Element with ID 'title-work-local' not found on this page."); } function showStep(stepIndex) { formSteps.forEach((step, index) => { step.classList.toggle('active', index === stepIndex); }); updateProgressBar(stepIndex); currentStep = stepIndex; } function updateProgressBar(stepIndex) { progressBarNum.textContent = stepIndex + 1; if (stepIndex === 0) { = 'none'; } else { = 'flex'; = `${(stepIndex / (totalSteps - 1)) * 100}%`; } } function validateLocation() { if (locationStadt.value === 'start-location') { locationStadt.classList.remove('valid-location'); locationStadt.classList.add('invalid-location'); = 'block'; return false; } else { locationStadt.classList.remove('invalid-location'); locationStadt.classList.add('valid-location'); = 'none'; return true; } } // Navigation buttons for steps document.getElementById('next-step-1').addEventListener('click', function () { const firstname = document.getElementById('firstname'); const email = document.getElementById('email'); const phone = document.getElementById('phone'); const firstnameError = document.getElementById('nameError'); const emailError = document.getElementById('emailError'); const phoneError = document.getElementById('phoneError'); let isValid = true; if (!firstname.value.trim()) { = 'flex'; firstnameError.textContent = 'Please enter your name.'; isValid = false; } else { = 'none'; } const emailPattern = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/; if (!email.value.trim() || !emailPattern.test(email.value)) { = 'flex'; emailError.textContent = 'Please enter a valid email address.'; isValid = false; } else { = 'none'; } const phonePattern = /(\+?\d{1,4})?(\d{7,})/; if (!phone.value.trim() || !phonePattern.test(phone.value)) { = 'flex'; phoneError.textContent = 'Please enter a valid phone number.'; isValid = false; } else { = 'none'; } if (isValid && currentStep < totalSteps - 1) { showStep(currentStep + 1); } }); document.getElementById('prev-step-0').addEventListener('click', function () { if (currentStep > 0) { showStep(currentStep - 1); } }); document.getElementById('next-step-2').addEventListener('click', function () { if (currentStep < totalSteps - 1) { showStep(currentStep + 1); } }); document.getElementById('prev-step-1').addEventListener('click', function () { if (currentStep > 0) { showStep(currentStep - 1); } }); document.getElementById('next-step-3').addEventListener('click', function () { if (currentStep < totalSteps - 1) { showStep(currentStep + 1); } }); document.getElementById('prev-step-2').addEventListener('click', function () { if (currentStep > 0) { showStep(currentStep - 1); } }); // Функция загрузки файла на сервер function uploadFileToWordPress(file) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', file); formData.append('action', 'upload_file_to_wordpress'); formData.append('security', ajax_object.ajax_nonce); // Добавляем nonce для безопасности return fetch(ajax_object.ajax_url, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to upload file'); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { if (data.success) { return; // Возвращаем URL загруженного файла } else { throw new Error( || 'File upload failed'); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Upload error:", error); throw error; // Перебрасываем ошибку для дальнейшей обработки }); } let uploadedFiles = []; function setupFileUpload(fileInputId, uploadAreaId, fileNameDisplayId, removeButtonId) { const fileInput = document.getElementById(fileInputId); const uploadArea = document.getElementById(uploadAreaId); const fileNameDisplay = document.getElementById(fileNameDisplayId); const removeButton = document.getElementById(removeButtonId); // Массив загруженных файлов let isFileProcessing = false; // Флаг для защиты от параллельных загрузок // Проверяем существование всех элементов if (!fileInput || !uploadArea || !fileNameDisplay || !removeButton) { console.error("Missing required elements for file upload."); return; } // Обработчик на кнопку открытия диалога const triggerButton = document.querySelector(`[data-target="${fileInputId}"]`); if (!triggerButton) { console.error(`Trigger button for input #${fileInputId} is missing.`); return; } // **Защита от дублирующих обработчиков** if (!triggerButton.dataset.listenerAdded) { triggerButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); console.log("Opening file dialog...");; // Открываем диалог выбора файла }); triggerButton.dataset.listenerAdded = "true"; } // Обработчик выбора файла fileInput.addEventListener('change', async function () { if (isFileProcessing) { console.log("File processing is in progress, ignoring..."); return; } isFileProcessing = true; if (fileInput.files.length > 0) { try { await handleFiles(fileInput.files); } catch (error) { console.error("Error during file handling:", error); } } isFileProcessing = false; }); // Обработчик Drag & Drop uploadArea.addEventListener('drop', async function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isFileProcessing) { console.log("File processing is in progress, ignoring drop..."); return; } isFileProcessing = true; const files = event.dataTransfer.files; try { await handleFiles(files); } catch (error) { console.error("Error during file handling:", error); } isFileProcessing = false; }); // Предотвращение стандартного поведения при Drag & Drop ['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach((eventName) => { uploadArea.addEventListener(eventName, preventDefaults, false); }); function preventDefaults(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } // Проверка формата файла и загрузка async function handleFiles(files) { const validExtensions = ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']; for (let file of files) { const fileExtension ='.') - 1) >>> 0) + 2).toLowerCase(); if (validExtensions.includes(`.${fileExtension}`)) { try { console.log("Uploading file:",; const url = await uploadFileToWordPress(file); uploadedFiles.push(url); updateFileList(); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error uploading file "${}":`, error.message); alert(`Ошибка загрузки файла "${}": ${error.message}`); } } else { console.error(`Invalid file format: ${}. Allowed formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, PNG.`); alert(`Недопустимый формат файла: ${}. Разрешенные форматы: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, PNG.`); } } } // Обновление списка файлов function updateFileList() { if (uploadedFiles.length > 0) { fileNameDisplay.innerHTML = ``; fileNameDisplay.classList.add('valid-file'); = 'inline'; } else { fileNameDisplay.textContent = ''; = 'none'; } } // Удаление файлов из списка removeButton.addEventListener('click', function () { uploadedFiles = []; updateFileList(); }); } // Настройка загрузки для первого и второго блоков setupFileUpload('resume1', 'upload-area1', 'file-name1', 'remove-file-btn1'); setupFileUpload('resume2', 'upload-area2', 'file-name2', 'remove-file-btn2'); // Handle form submission for the first form document.getElementById('application-form').addEventListener('submit', function (event) { if (this.submitting) return; this.submitting = true; event.preventDefault(); if (!validateLocation()) { console.log('Location validation failed!'); this.submitting = false; return; } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const jobId = urlParams.get('job_id'); const formData = new FormData(; const dataTitleElement = document.getElementById('title-work-local'); const dataTitle = dataTitleElement ? dataTitleElement.textContent.trim() : null; const uniqueKey = `locations_${dataTitle}`; const selectedLocations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(uniqueKey)) || []; console.log('selectedLocations', selectedLocations) if (!selectedLocations.length) { console.log('No locations selected!'); this.submitting = false; return; } let firstname = formData.get('firstname'); const email = formData.get('email'); const phone = formData.get('phone'); const nameParts = firstname.split(' '); const lastname = nameParts.length > 1 ? nameParts.slice(1).join(' ') : ''; firstname = nameParts[0]; if (!firstname || !email || !phone) { console.log('Missing required fields!'); this.submitting = false; return; } const data = { jobid: jobId, firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname, email: email, phone: phone, locations: selectedLocations, language: localStorage.getItem('selectedLanguage'), referrer: new URL(document.referrer).searchParams.get('utm_source') || 'Website' }; fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': '4cc98d781b76e3016f6c8d31896bac97bcca3f2f' }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw new Error('Failed to submit the form'); } }) .then(data => { console.log('Success:', data); const candidateId =; document.getElementById('candidate-id').value = candidateId; showStep(1); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }) .finally(() => { this.submitting = false; }); }); // Handle form submission for the second form document.getElementById('application-form2').addEventListener('submit', async function (event) { event.preventDefault(); const submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-btn-form2'); submitButton.disabled = true; const formData = new FormData(; const cvUrl = uploadedFiles.length > 0 ? uploadedFiles[0] : null; const data = { candidateId: formData.get('candidate-id'), street: formData.get('street'), zipcode: formData.get('postal_city').split(' ')[0], city: formData.get('postal_city').split(' ')[1], country: formData.get('country'), website: formData.get('website'), cv_url: cvUrl, additional_files_url: uploadedFiles, availability: formData.get('date') }; try { const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': '4cc98d781b76e3016f6c8d31896bac97bcca3f2f' }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to submit the form'); } const responseData = await response.json(); window.location.href = '/thanks-for-your-application'; } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); submitButton.disabled = false; } }); document.getElementById('prev-step-page').addEventListener('click', function () { window.history.back(); }); showStep(0); }); document.getElementById('location')?.addEventListener('change', function () { let storedLocations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('selectedLocations')) || []; const selectedOptions = Array.from(this.selectedOptions).map(option => option.value); const index = selectedOptions.indexOf('start-location'); if (index > -1) { selectedOptions.splice(index, 1); } selectedOptions.forEach(location => { if (!storedLocations.includes(location)) { storedLocations.push(location); } }); localStorage.setItem('selectedLocations', JSON.stringify(storedLocations)); updateSelectedLocationsDisplay(storedLocations); }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async function () { const locationList = document.getElementById('location'); const dataTitleElement = document.getElementById('title-work-local'); const dataTitle = dataTitleElement ? dataTitleElement.textContent.trim() : null; const uniqueKey = `locations_${dataTitle}`; const storedLocations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(uniqueKey)) || []; let selectedLocations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`selectedLocations_${uniqueKey}`)) || []; if (storedLocations.length === 1) { selectedLocations = [storedLocations[0]]; localStorage.setItem(`selectedLocations_${uniqueKey}`, JSON.stringify(selectedLocations)); } function updateLocationList() { // Сначала проверяем, что titleText уже получен и обновляем storedLocations const titleElement = document.getElementById('title-work-local'); const titleText = titleElement ? titleElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // Обновляем storedLocations в зависимости от названия вакансии if (titleText === 'Initiativbewerbung') { console.log(titleText); storedLocations.length = 0; // Очищаем массив storedLocations.push(...[ 'Berlin', 'Braunschweig', 'Breslau', 'Dortmund', 'Frankfurt am Main', 'Hamburg', 'Kaunas', 'Köln', 'München', 'Pune', 'Ratingen', 'Vilnius', 'Wolfsburg' ]); } console.log(storedLocations); // Теперь отрисовываем список городов после обновления storedLocations locationList.innerHTML = ''; // Очищаем старый список storedLocations.forEach(location => { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.textContent = location; if (selectedLocations.includes(location)) { li.classList.add('active-city'); } li.addEventListener('click', function () { toggleLocationSelection(location, li); }); locationList.appendChild(li); }); } function toggleLocationSelection(location, element) { if (selectedLocations.includes(location)) { selectedLocations = selectedLocations.filter(loc => loc !== location); element.classList.remove('active-city'); } else { selectedLocations.push(location); element.classList.add('active-city'); } localStorage.setItem(`selectedLocations_${uniqueKey}`, JSON.stringify(selectedLocations)); } const jobId = new URLSearchParams('job_id'); const titleElement = document.getElementById('title-work-local'); if (!jobId || !titleElement) { if (titleElement) titleElement.textContent = 'Title not found'; return; } try { const response = await fetch(`${jobId}`); if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Ошибка при запросе'); const data = await response.json(); const siteLanguage = localStorage.getItem('selectedLanguage') || 'de'; const offerTitle = data?.offer?.translations?.[siteLanguage]?.sharing_title || 'Title not found'; // Записываем название в localStorage localStorage.setItem('dataTitle', offerTitle); // Отображаем название на странице titleElement.textContent = offerTitle; } catch (error) { console.error(error); titleElement.textContent = 'Title not found'; } setTimeout(() => { updateLocationList(); }, 1000); }); Hyand Application - Hyand

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